After an enrollee has graduated from the Texas Municipal Clerks Certification Program, recertification is required every five years to maintain Texas Registered Municipal Clerk (TRMC) status.

H.B. 2092 was enacted by the 70th legislature and became Section 22.074 of the Local Government Code. It requires that "a person who holds a certificate issued under this section must renew the certificate not later than five years after the date on which the original certificate was issued."

Recertification demonstrates the commitment of a municipal clerk to continuing education, helping to ensure effective governance in Texas municipalities. As an officer of the municipality, it is imperative that municipal clerks maintain up-to-date training in order to address the complex issues faced by local government administrators.

Requirements for Recertification


1. Be a member of TMCA, Inc. and maintain continuous membership throughout recertification.

2. Attend the following six TMCCP seminars:

  • 2 TMCCP Advanced Institute Seminars
  • 2 TMCCP Election Law Seminars
  • 2 TMCCP Seminars (other than the Advanced Institute and Election Law Seminars)

3. Strictly follow the Policy on Academic Misconduct.

4. Accumulate a minimum of 60 education points from the following educational options:

Book report (using an approved book and following the guidelines) 20 points each
TMCCP revised homework module 20 points each
TMCCP webinars 5 points for 2 webinars
10 points for 4 webinars
20 points for 6 webinars
Athenian Dialogue with assessment  (Assessment must be submitted to the TMCCP Education Director no later than 30 days after attending the dialogue.) 20 points each

Knowledge Transfer Action Plan (KTAP) with approved seminar (e.g., ARMA, TSL, and other professional certifications and groups outside of TMCCP)

10 points (minimum 6 hr. seminar)
20 points (minimum 12 hr. seminar)

IIMC Academy session with assessment* 20 points each

IIMC Conference concurrent session with assessment*
(No more than 20 points toward recertification for each IIMC conference. Must be completed during the recertification period. Effective Jan. 1, 2019.)


5 points each

IIMC-approved online distance learning course with assessment* (No more than 20 points total towards recertification. Must be completed during the recertification period. Effective Jan. 1, 2018.)

5 points (1-5 hr. course)
10 points (6-10 hr. course)
20 points (11+ hour course)

Level II OR Level III Certified Court Clerk designation through the Texas Court Clerks Association/Texas Municipal Court Clerk Education Center* (credit applied with assessment; copy of Certified Court Clerk certificate also required)

30 points

Certified Public Manager (CPM) Program Certificate* (credit applied with assessment; copy of certificate also required)

40 points
Eligible HR certification* (credit applied with assessment; copy of certificate also required) 30 points
Associate degree in related field*(credit applied with assessment; copy of transcript also required) 30 points
Bachelor's degree or higher in related field*(credit applied with assessment; copy of transcript also required) 50 points
College course in related field* (credit applied with an assessment; copy of transcript required) 20 points

*assessment must be submitted to TMCCP Education Director

Explanation of Educational Options for Enrollees Pursuing Further Recertification


"Book Report" option (20 points) 
A selection of books for book reports is offered to give you an opportunity to read material that relates to your personal goals of education and professional development. Click here to view the list of approved books for book reports.
Click here to view the recertification book report guidelines PDF.

"TMCCP Revised Homework Module" option (20 points)
The recertification enrollee will submit work on a revised module of coursework from the Texas Municipal Clerks Certification Program. Send an email to the TMCCP office to request a module.

"TMCCP Webinars with Assessment" option (5 points for 2 webinars, 10 points for 4 webinars, 20 points for 6 webinars)
The recertification enrollee will attend webinar(s) and complete the post-webinar assessment. Additionally, the enrollee agrees to demonstrate their active participation during the webinar as described in the TMCCP Policy on Academic Conduct which can be found by clicking here
Please note: Webinars can be used for recertification education points or seminar attendance credit.

"Athenian Dialogue with Assessment" option (20 points)
Attend and fully participate in an Athenian Dialogue and submit a written assessment of the dialogue within 30 days to TMCCP Education Director Dr. Amy Holt. Learn more about Athenian Dialogues and where and when they are offered by visiting IIMC's website.

"Knowledge Action Transfer Plan (KTAP)" option (10 points: minimum 6 hr. seminar; 20 points: minimum 12 hr. seminar)
Click here for KTAP instructions and assessment PDF. The enrollee will submit the KTAP paperwork to the TMCCP office for credit. Note that graduates can select to do a KTAP on a third TMCCP Graduate Institute Seminar if they have already attended the two required Graduate Institute Seminars for their current recertification seminar requirements.

"IIMC Academy Session with Assessment" option (20 points)
The recertification enrollee must submit a copy of the letter or certificate from IIMC stating that education points have been awarded for the session; an assessment must also be submitted at this time to the TMCCP office

"IIMC Conference Concurrent Session" option (5 points each)
The recertification enrollee must attend the full concurrent session. Additionally, the enrollee must complete and submit an assessment provided by TMCCP to the TMCCP office. (No more than 20 points toward recertification for each IIMC conference. Must be completed during the enrollee's current recertification period. Effective Jan. 1, 2019.)
To learn more about the IIMC Conference click here.

"IIMC-Approved Online Distance Learning Course" option (5 points: 1-5 hr. course; 10 points: 6-10 hr. course; 20 points: 11+ hour course)
The recertification enrollee must complete an IIMC-approved online distance learning course and submit an assessment to the TMCCP office.
(No more than 20 points total towards recertification. Must be completed during the recertification period. Effective Jan. 1, 2018.) 
To learn more about the courses offered click here..

"Level II OR Level III Certified Court Clerk Designation" option (30 points)
The recertification enrollee must earn the Level II OR Level III Certified Court Clerk designation through the Texas Court Clerks Association/Texas Municipal Court Clerk Education Center. Students can only earn TRMC points for this designation once and only for either the Level II or Level III Certified Court Clerk designation. Credit applied with assessment and a copy of the Certified Court Clerk certificate. Assessment can be obtained from the TMCA office.

"CPM Program Certificate" option (40 points)
The recertification enrollee must complete the Certified Public Manager Program and must submit a copy of the CPM Certificate for TMCCP recertification credit. Credit applied with assessment and copy of certificate.

"Eligible HR Certification" option (30 points)
The recertification enrollee must complete the indicated (listed below) SHRM, PHR, or IPMA certificate and must submit a copy of the certificate for TMCCP recertification credit. Please note that only one certificate related to the field of human resources may ever be applied for TMCCP recertification credit. Additional certificates related to human resources will not be eligible for TMCCP recertification credit. Current and retroactive credit applied with assessment; copy of certificate also required.

    • SHRM Certification offered by the Society for Human Resource Management: either the SHRM-CP or the SHRM-SCP.
    • PHR Certification offered by the HR Certification Institute: either the PHR or SPHR. 
    • IPMA Certification offered by the International Public Management Association for Human Resources: either the IPMA-CP or the IPMA-SCP. 

"Associate degree in related field" option (30 points)
Credit applied with assessment and copy of transcript or diploma. Email the TMCCP office for the assessment.

"Bachelor's degree or higher in related field" option (50 points)
Credit applied with assessment and copy of transcript or diploma. Email the TMCCP office for the assessment.

"College Course in related field" option (20 points)
Approved college courses include courses in government, management, business administration, public administration, finance, or economics. Send an email to the TMCCP office for more information if you would like to pursue this option; an assessment and copy of your transcript will be submitted.